Archive | January, 2017

Quick Smoke: Crowned Heads Las Mareas Olas

1 Jan 2017

Each Saturday and Sunday we’ll post a Quick Smoke: not quite a full review, just our brief verdict on a single cigar of “buy,” “hold,” or “sell.”


Stealthily released earlier this year, Las Mareas by Crowned Heads is a Nicaraguan puro produced by My Father Cigars. This corona gorda (6.1 x 46) runs about $9 and fearures a Corojo wrapper, likely from My Father’s Nicaraguan farms. The blend is a straightforward, balanced, and enjoyable mix of roasty wood, leather, and light spice. It is a distinctly unique blend from most of the cigars produced at My Father, though the same excellent construction you’d expect.

Verdict = Buy.

–Patrick S

photo credit: Stogie Guys