Commentary: Why Ten is the New Twenty
3 Jul 2012
I like cigar boxes. Especially when they’re filled with cigars. But to be honest, 20 or 25 sticks are more than I often want.
It’s not that I (usually) buy boxes of cigars that I don’t thoroughly enjoy or that I quickly grow bored with them. No, the fact is that I rarely smoke more than one cigar a day. Factor in the occasional off day, trips to a shop where I’ll purchase a cigar to enjoy there, and the general variety of smoking, and a box of 20 could easily take me a couple of years to finish.
What generally happens is I’ll end up with a box from which I’ve smoked down to the last six or eight, and I’ll transfer them to another container. Then, likely as not, I’ll sort of lose track of them. If I were more organized, I’d call it aging.
That’s why I applaud what seems to be a growing trend for cigar makers to market their wares in boxes of ten. This seems to be particularly true of special editions and limited releases.
For example, when Nestor Miranda teamed up with the Garcias to create the excellent Grand Reserve Torpedo, they sold the 10,000-stick run in boxes of 10. I’ve read that the recently announced successor will also come in boxes of ten.
Jameson Cigar Co. is another maker that’s into tens. Its two sizes of Santos de Miami come in divided boxes of ten.
When Don Pepin unveiled his 2011 Limited Edition he struck close, packaging 12 of the 6.5-inch Toros in his characteristic heavy, thick boxes.
Among the newest releases in a ten-pack is Tatuaje’s Little Monsters. Of course, with the popularity of that series, Pete Johnson could probably release them in boxes of 100 and still quickly sell out.
You might say I’m making far too big a deal of this, and if I only want ten cigars I should simply purchase singles. That’s true. But a box not only keeps the cigars together; it protects them and shows you what’s in your humidor.
Besides, as I said, I like cigar boxes.
photo credit: Stogie Guys
Spot on! Couldn't agree more.
Although a box of 10 in theory sounds nice, my experience is otherwise. Instead of buying 10 at half the price of a box of 20, all it means is that the cigars cost twice as much and instead of 5-7 bucks a piece, they are 10-15 bucks a piece.
Augie I agree! Tried to hit thumbs up but iPhone is too small. Lol
I'm missing that math. The article says nothing about the price staying the same. If you look at the Ortega line in 10ct, it is just that, half the box price.
You have the cost of the box devided by 25 and now 10, which will of course raise the cost of the cigars and as you go through the mfg to retailer to consumer chain it goes up in multiple. Now don't forget the s-chip tax which not only counts on the stick price, but when imported, depending on the factory cost of the cigar you pay for that box in tax. The cost of the box can be as much as the cigars if put in boxes of 10. I say suck it up and buy a whole box of 25, let them age…you'll eventually get to them. Hey, in full disclosure, I'm a retailers, I want to sell more not less anyway.
George I also usually smoke one cigar, come rain or snow, but I can't count out boxes. I guess I have 400 cigars in various places and they are all good to excellent but there are cigars I burn right through. If I buy a box of Tat. Little Angels they go, San Lantanos go……there are maybe a half dozen others that are the same way. When I select my cigar for the day sometimes I want a cast iron winner so I'll always buy boxes from time to time.
That's why I like Curivari so much,. Great sticks, great price, 10 count boxes.
Ortega and Curivari are high on my list of smokes to try. Unfortunately, I've never run into either one. Interesting to know that they're available in boxes of 10. Makes me even more intrigued with those brands.
I don't have any room in the garage now, and at my age, there is no reason to keep saving nut's and bolt's any more, so I'm still going to buy the 5 packs, and George, that does't mean you can't still collect your ''box's''. Enjoyed the review, as always.
I agree.